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25 interesting facts about girls
Interesting Facts about Girls

Hello reader,
  I think many of you might often be thinking about your opposite gender so in this post, I have come up with some of the interesting facts about girls , Ohho I think your excitement level is pumped up, So get ready to know some of the interesting and amazing facts about GIRLS.

Ready for some facts?

Here we go:-

1. When girls look at a person who loves them, the pupil of their eyes dilate, this also happen when they are looking at someone they hate.

2.If a girls is beign close and friendly with their male friend, infront of their boyfriends, it usually does not means anything except that they have been friends with that boy longer then their boyfriend has been, So yes if you fall in this category don't get offended.

3.Girls always want a boy to prove that they are not all the same.

4.If a girl lays her head on her guys chest and just listens to his heartbeat, she's listening to see if it will tell her what he's thinking.

5.If a girl is mad at her boyfriend, she does'nt wants to say anything about it, she just wishes he'd knew.

6.Girls always like when boys ask advice from them. This action just shows that the boy trust her, and she's someone he can count on.

7.Girls are good detectives. Some just do not open up with their boyfriends.

8.Girls hate when their guy friends make fun of their boyfriends.

9.Girls love it when a boy does not take long to reply and keep the conversation going.

10.When girls don't want to talk about their ex-boyfriends, she's probably not completely over him.

11.The most popular song for the grooms and brides first dance is "Everything I do" by Bryan Adams.

12.Girls love to be started at something, looking straight in her eyes tells something, this melts her heart espicially when she is attracted to a boy.

13.It's a rare thing for girls to go for flings unlike many guys do.

14.Guinness world record for longest marriage is an incredible 86 years, 9 months, and 16 days.

15.Two out of every five people marry their first love.

16.If a girl laughs at each and every joke of a boy, this means she likes him.

17.Girls try to hint at what they want from guys, they don't like to say it.

18.If a girl really loves a boy, she won't be able to see anything bad about him.

19.Girls easily get carried away by their emotions.

20.If a boy breaks a girls heart she'll never be the same.

21.If a boy remembers something important to a girl that she said and he brings it up later, it makes that girl feel special.

22.Girls are way too forgiving.

23.Girls think more than boys.

24.Girls are generally impulsive buyers but are good in budgeting.

25.Girls hate it when boys ignore them.

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