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how to get rich business ideas
how to get rich business ideas

   In the today's world some people are very much successful and rich while the others are not much successful and the rest are living below poverty level. In this post I am going to tell you about 35 practical steps by following that you can become rich. These ideas are from the research done on the successful people and millionaires on how to get rich business ideas.

1.Put Up a Business

To ensure that your new business succeeds, you must bear in mind and exercise the following entrepreneur ideas to get rich businesses -:
-Enjoy what you are doing
-Take your business seriously
-Practice the act of business planning
-Manage your finances wisely
-Actively perform marketing activities
-Focus on the needs of your customer
-Don't be ashamed of promoting yourself and your business
-Project a professional business image
-Offer personalised services
-Take the advantage of current technology

2.Invest in Real Estate

 Owing a land is the oldest indication of wealth. When the Economic change started in 2008, real estate attracted a lot of wealthy investors. Even today buying, developing, and eventually selling a property is a sure way to acquire wealth.For instance, if you get a loan of around $200,000 and add your own $50,000 to buy a property that costs $250,000, then eventually sell it for $400,000, you can double your money easily.
Relatively stable assests like rental properties, or potential development lands in a steadily growing area is a good way to build wealth. Many people have done quite well in real estate businesses and today they are millionaires.

3.Invest in the Stock Market

Ask a smart guy for tips to get rich quickly, and he will tell you to invest in stock market. Choose stocks wisely and use your dividends to invest in more stocks. This will help you to build a fortune. Although there would be many times when the stocks are not stable, once you become an expert in trading, you can detect the changes in advances to keep your earning at bay. Make stock market crashes work for you by taking the opportunity to buy more stocks when they are priced low.
Invest money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of investments that will give you an annual return on investments (ROI)great enough to sustain you in your retirements.
Don't get enticed by day traders who tell you that it's easy to make a quick buck. Buying and selling dozens of stocks everyday is essentially gambling. If you make some bad trades-which is unbelievely easy to do- you can lose a lot of money. It's not a good way to get rich.
Instead learn to invest for a long run. Choose good stocks with solid fundamentals and excellent leadership in industries that are primed for future growth.  If you invest wisely, you should do very well over time.

4.Rent out Properties

The good thing about owning a rental property is you can maintain a 9-to-5 job while you earn additional income. People who became landlords and work full time in an office are likely to reach an early retirement.

5.Make a Viral Video

The internet is a great place to look for ways on how to get rich quick. If you have something unique that you want to share with people, do so by making a video and upload it to YouTube. YouTube advertisements will make you earn $2 per 1,000 views. If your YouTube channel becomes famous you can score endorsement deals and earn millions.

6.Adopt the producer mentality

You must make a major shift from being a consumer to producer. Here are some examples: consumers eat pizza, producers make pizza; consumers watch movies, producers make movies; consumers search for jobs, producers provide jobs. Every millionaire is a producer. Only producers get rich.
The overarching goal of a producer is not to eat, but to feed people. Obviously, producers must consume at some point, but it isn't their primary goal. Instead of seeking their next meal, they're more interested in providing the next meal for someone else, knowing that they will have the chance to eat in the process.
Whether these producers are providing heart surgeries, writing best-selling books, or building skyscrapers, they've learned how to create products and services to help those around them. If you study millionaires closely, you'll find that nearly all them provide a valuable product or service to millions of people. When you adopt a producer mentality, you will become wealthy, too.

7.Invest your time

For example, you might like having free time, so you give yourself a few hours a day to do nothing. But if you were to invest those few hours into getting rich, you could work towards having 20 years of free time (24 hours a day!) with early retirement. What can you give up now in exchange for being rich later? Investment advisor Dave Ramsey likes to tell his radio audience, "Live like no one else today so that you can live like no one else tomorrow." 

8.Avoid purchases that are likely to depreciate rapidly

Spending $50,000 on a car is sometimes considered a waste because it's likely that it won't be worth half that much in five years, regardless of how much work you put into it. As soon as you drive a new car off the lot, it depreciates about 20%-25% in value and continues to do so each year you own it. [2] That makes buying a car a very important financial decision.

9.Don't spend money on stupid stuff

It's hard enough making a living. But it's hard and painful when the things you spend your hard-earned cash on are financial black holes. Reevaluate the things you spend money on. Try to figure out whether they are truly "worth it." Here are some things you probably don't want to spend that much money on if you plan on becoming rich:

First-class plane tickets. What are you getting for that extra $1,000? A hot towel and another 4 inches (10.2 cm) of leg room? Invest that money instead of throwing it away.

10.Choose the right profession

Look at salary surveys which indicate average annual incomes for specific professions. Your odds of getting rich are diminished if you pursue a career in teaching as opposed to a career in finance. Here are some of the highest paying jobs in America:

- Doctors and surgeons. Anesthesiologists make a whopping $200,000+ per year. 

- Petroleum engineers. Engineers who work with gas and oil companies can make a very good living. In most cases they make upwards of $135,000 per year. 

- Attorneys. Lawyers top out at just above $130,000 per year, making this a lucrative field if you can put in the time. 

- IT managers and software engineers. If you're good at programming and a whiz at computers, consider this very well-compensated field. IT managers regularly make $125,000 per year.

11.Sacrifice everything

The great majority of people are afraid to make sacrifices because they think they'll lose something. The single mother won't buy a $20 book that will help her earn $20,000 extra dollars. She's the same mother who's afraid of the cost, but still would buy a video game for her son to make him happy.
Before you become rich, you must become poor. Besides lottery winners and heirs who receive hefty inheritances, you must be willing to pay the price and sacrifice everything. You must be able to handle the worst if you want to expect the best. There will be many times where you'll have to delay gratification to focus on a bigger goal, which is always worth it in the end.
To approach a risk more judiciously, ask yourself two questions: "What's the worst thing that can happen if I take this risk?" Then ask yourself, "What's the best thing that can happen?" Usually, you'll find that the only reason that you wouldn't take a major risk is because money is involved. However, you should be able to sacrifice everything to become immensely rich, even if it's your last dollar.

12.Only do wealthy activities

The number one wealth killer is when a person of promise hangs out in places of poverty. Many times, people put themselves in poor places, which surrounds them with poor people. Get away from poor places if you want to avoid poor people. Dwelling along with poor people in poor places will never make you rich.
When I was a teenager, I used to play basketball with negative people in negative places. I constantly witnessed smoking, cursing, and other disrespectful behaviors every moment of the game. Even though I didn't partake in their antics, I was still a product of my environment, which deeply affected my general performance in life.
Many people tolerate negative conditions like this. They don't realize how much the subtle influence of gossip, violence, and drama impacts them. Moreover, if you're not on prosperity, you're in poverty. Find out how you can partake in wealthy activities. For me, instead of playing basketball, I started visiting luxury homes and car dealerships. It changed my life.

13.Let The Internet Work For You

There are so many websites available these days, where all you need is a laptop or a computer sitting on your desk as your only investment. You just need to know where to look. There are micro jobs, where businesses will pay workers tiny amounts of money (normally in the 20-30 cent range) to do menial jobs that take very little time to do. All you have to do is look up a few things on Google and they will instantly credit your account with money. There are also sites that pay you to use your computer to write for them. Places like Fiverr and Freelancer have a way where you can register your information and tell people what you will be willing to do for four or five dollars, and then you get hired by people who want that work done. It doesn’t seem like much, but if you are sitting at your desk all day long, that type of money can definitely add up quickly.
You can also buy your own domain name, and if you have the skills to design web pages, develop your own website. Businesses will pay you when you put their advertisements on your site and when people “click” on them. This is also a good way to start a business online. It may not be the quickest way to make money, but it just might work in the long run. And if you have companies advertising on your site, it’s like “killing two birds with one stone.”

14.Upgrading skills

If you want to get ahead, there’s only one way to do it: Become better at something than you are today. What's the one thing you can focus on for the next 30 days that will catapult you to rock-star status in your industry? Focus your attention on that.

15.Rejecting self limiting thoughts

Successful people command their thoughts and emotions. As soon as bad thoughts intrude, they cast out anything that challenges their ability to succeed at the task at hand. They do not dwell on negative notions. Their self-talk is positive and not overly critical. They replace bad thoughts with good ones. 
Because successful people engage in self-improvement daily and are constantly involved in positive things, they don’t allow themselves time to indulge in negative emotions.

16.Keeping a positive outlook

Consider the most successful person you know. Is that person positive or negative? Most likely this individual is positive, enthusiastic, energetic and happy. This person chooses to see the good in others and in himself or herself. To this person, problems are just opportunities waiting to be uncovered. 
Every day people are bombarded by news of bad deeds and doings. Successful people minimize their exposure to this type of thing and instead opt to fill their minds with positive ideas from books and magazines.

17.Reading daily

Many successful people read 30 minutes or more every day. Reading can increase your knowledge and know-how. When you read, often you are seeking to improve yourself. This automatically sets you apart from your counterparts. You will stand out from the competition.

 The ideas to become rich will help you to achieve your goals if followed with dedication. So become successful with these creative ideas

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