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Hello Readers,

     The best way to begin our morning is that to have a good heavy breakfast so that throughout the day we can stay active. But wait there are some foods which you should not consume in your breakfast. 

1. Tomatoes

Although tomatoes are full of antioxidants, vitamins and soluble ingredients, they combine with stomach acid that could pressure your stomach causing pain and acidity or reflux.
Those with esophagus and ulcer issues shouldn’t even eat certain citrus foods like oranges.

2. Carbonated drinks

This goes without saying. Drinking colas and carbonated drinks for breakfast?? That’s a no-brainer. Studies have shown they increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Soda contains almost 10 teaspoons of sugar and that will increase your blood sugar levels by 8 times more than normal when consumed on an empty stomach. This will create an insulin rush and triggering an increase in adrenaline and possible withdrawal symptoms later.

3.ShortCrusts/ puffed Pastries

If you are fond of eating a continental breakfast which includes shortcrust and puff pastries, then it’s time to stop. Such foods are full of yeast which can irritate the stomach lining and cause flatulence.

4.Spicy Food

Among foods on an empty stomach, spicy food can cause gastric irritation and damage to the stomach lining or mucosa because of increased levels of acid. Spicy foods can also cause stomach upsets and disorders like gastritis. Avoid spicy food in the morning and if at all eating in combination with something else, then decrease the level of heat.


Like carbonated drinks, sweets too can spike sugar leaves in your body and take a toll on your pancreas. In fact those at risk of diabetes with high blood sugar should avoid sweets period.


If you’re wondering why such a fruit is on this list, it is because the fiber in pear can be a bit harsh on your stomach causing stomach aches. It could also damage stomach mucosa. It is advisable to pair it with oatmeal or some other grain to protect your stomach.

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