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21 pizza facts everyone should know
21 Pizza Facts Everyone should Know

Hello Readers,
         Let me ask you one thing,what is that one thing which come to your mind when you hear slice,topping or pepperoni,I think it must be a pizza with cheese topping all around,with the smell attracting you,and you might pick up your phone to order a pizza to stop your mouth from beign watering further.
But do you know some of the Interesting facts about this most popular PIZZA. If you don't know then dont worry I am here to tell you about this.
So lets begin to explore some of the Interesting facts about Pizza

21 Interesting Facts About the Mouthwatering Pizza-:

1)The first pizza was ordered by computer in 1974: This was done at a Laboratory in Michigan State to test out its new “speaking computer,” so they used it to order a pepperoni, mushroom, ham, and sausage pizza from a local pizza joint

2)The largest pizza in the world was 131 feet in diameter, and weighed 23249.784 kilograms.
image of worlds largest pizza
World's Largest Pizza

3)Over the years a number of unusual pizza-flavored products have been released, including potato chips, condoms, ice cream, beer, and e-cigarettes.

4)At first, pizzas were sold exclusively by the pie. But in 1933, Patsy Lancieri started selling pizza by the slice—a trend that was quickly picked up by other pizzerias.

5)October is celebrated as the National Pizza Day in the US.

6) It might not be surprising to you but- Saturday night is the most popular night to eat pizza.

7)Approximately 37% of the Americans think that pizza is perfect for the breakfast.

8)The number one pizza day in the US is the Super Bowl, which is followed by Halloween.

9)About 80% of the-Italian cheese  production in the US is mozzarella, because you might have guessed it right, PIZZA.

10)In the US there are approximately 61,400 pizzarias.

11)The most popular size of Pizza in the US, is the 14-inch pie.

12)36% of all the pizza orders include pepperoni. And approximately 251,770,000 lbs of pepperoni is consumed each year.
Pepperoni Pizza

13)Out of 6 billion pizza sold worldwide, 3 billion are sold only in US each year.

14)The first American cities to start selling pizza were- New York, Boston, New Haven, Conn, and Trenton.

15)Domino’s was founded in 1960. Tom Monaghan,The founder of the Dominos restaurant chain, is one of three people in the world who hold an advanced degree in "Pizzaology” from the “Domino’s College of Pizzaology”—a business management program he founded in the ‘80s.

image-of dominos gfounder tom
Tom Monaghan (Dominos Founder)

16)In 2013, Domino’s Made DVDs That Smelled Like Pizza
Dominos Pizza Disc

17)The Most Expensive Pizza in the World Costs Almost 7,03,565.50 Indian Rupee

18) On average, each individual in the United States eats around 23 pounds of pizza every year.
American Individual

19) Around 350 slices of pizza are eaten each second in the US.

20) The pizza industry in the US is valued as a 30$ billion Industry.

21)The First Pizza was Invented in Naples during the early 1500s.

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