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image-blogging tips for beginners
Blogging Tips for beginners: Top experts opinion

Hello Readers,
              I have recently heard that blogging is reffered to as the mixture between an Art and a science. Now if this is true( and I think It surely is), then there is no right way to approach blogging if you want to become successful. There are a lot of people who have done a great job in blogging. And I thought that it would be useful to learn from them.

I have discovered  16 important tips which every successful bloggers flows and knowing this, the beginner bloggers can also learn and do it better. No doubt, even if you are not a beginner these tips can probably prove to be useful.

1. Understand your audience

 Understand your audience better than they understand themselves. It takes a lot of research work but it finally at the end pay-off
Understanding your audience better means you'll have a better idea of  what blog content will resonate with them, which is a good start when you get to writing blog posts.
A great technique for doing this simply ask your readers first on twitter, facebook or any other platform with an engaging quote. If people respond well to it, then probably this will be the great topic to write about.

2.Get ideas from your audience

This can be a great way to gather ideas of what topic people would  most like to read about, which will directly help your blog to grow! 

3.Write for yourself first.

Write for yourself first and foremost; forget about whether people will read what you write or not.Just focus on your thought ideas and opinions and figure out how to put those in words. Write it and they will come.

4.Build your email list

Start building your email list from day one. Even if you don't plan on selling anything, having an email list allows you to promote your new content to your audience directly without worrying about your search ranking, facebook edgerank , or any other online roadblocks in communication.
When you are asking readers to sign up for your email list, you might want to try experimenting with different languages.

5.Love your existing readers 

love the readers you already have. A lot of bloggers get quite obsessed with finding new readers - to the point that they ignore their existing readers. Yes - do try to find new readers but spend some time each day showing your current readers that you value them too you'll find that they will help you grow your blog.

6.Focus on building amazing call-to-action

Don't rely on the people to do the work to find your twitter account. Don't rely on them to do work to find your details in a sidebar .
Finish your add with some kind of call to action to signup for an email list or follow you on twitter or any other platform. This will give a huge rise in your platform followers.

7.Give Stuff away

Give away free contents that value to peoples lives "until it hurts" and they will love you and become your loyal fans.
A great example of this is the research done by incentivibe, who found that adding a giveaway contest  pop-up to the bottom right of their website lead to 125% more email subscribers.

8.Be consistent

Consistency is one of the most important thing that bloggers tend to forget. It's much easier to lose your traffic than it is to build it up. So make sure you consistently blog.

9.Give away your knowledge

Don't be afraid to showcase what you know. Too many bloggers hold back the stuff out of fear of giving away the "so called secret sauce". There is no secret sauce in the world where everyone has high speed internet access all the time. Today, you want to give away your knowledge snacks to sell information meals.

10.Be true to your voice

Stay true to yourself and your voice. People don't care to follow sites so much as they care to follow people.
Writing is not about picking the right topic; it's about finding the right voice. What matters, what readers really resonate with.

11.Give it time -  this is why

Plan to invest in blogging for a long time before you see a return. The web is big, noisy place and unless you are willing more over a greater period of time than the others, you will find success nearly impossible. If you are looking for a short term ROI, or a quick path to recognisation, blogging is the wrong path for you. But if you stick to it out for years without results and constantly learn, iterate, and improve , you can achieve something remarkable.

12.Give your email list priority

If you are blogging to  create a business, a movement, or to support a cause, then you need to build an email list. It's not an option.  Caring about the readers, writing for them, and delivering value to them should be your number one goal.

13.Write catchy headings

 No matter how great your content is, it won't matter unless you have an amazing and eye catching headline. People have a split second to decide if they should click on your post and your headline will make them decide. Keep your headlines simple, powerful, useful and bold.

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