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Hello Readers,
  With the increase the completition and globalisation the our todays world.It becomes a very important role of an individual to choose a right career for his/her life.In the present scenario more than 75% of the population is unable to decide the right career for themselves so that they can have a better future.Though choosing a right career for an individual is not so difficult but due to the extreme pressure of the society and our parent many of us fall in the category of so called "the race the blinds".

In this post I am going to share with you the important aspects that an individual should keep in mind while choosing a career for him/her, and by following that you can surely get your right career.

1) Follow your heart instead of the Herd.

Find Your Future

 This the most important factor which comes in play while choosing our career.Many of us do the opposite of this we often follow the herd instead of our heart which is a terrible thing.Now a question arises in our mind that, How to follow our Heart?The answer to this is as simple as the question.So,following your heart simply means that you should do all those things which gives you self satisfaction.It can be anything be anything like singing,dancing,cooking,etc.Now if you have followed your heart you should also think of the skills you have.

2)Figure out all your skills and Strengths.

 Take out some time and work on yourself and find out all those things you are good at and then make a list of all your skills and strengths.This may take some time but this will definitely help you in knowing much about yourself.After you have made the list of all those things which your are good at,then prioritize those thing by your further decisions, by doing this you will be surprised to know that you have a unique thing which no one else has like you can be a piblic speaker, you may be good at time management,, you may be a singer, dancer, actor and many other.
     :If you are finding it difficult to figure out your skills and strengths then you can seek help from people whom you trust, they may be your friends, Teachers,Parents or any other person.

3)Know your passion and your Interests.

Career options

After you have done with everythings and you have known your skills and strengths.Now it is the time for you to figure out the thing which you are interested and you are passionate doing that.It means you are so passionate that you can work with your full efforts even if you are not paid for that job.Your area of interest can be anything it can be travelling, reading, writing, motor-riding or it nay be spending time in nature or it can be anything.But the point is that you should enjoy doing that thing.

4) Foucus on Your aspiration instead of Social expectation

  This is a bitter truth that you cannot succeed if you wish to meet the social expectations.Its a common feel of pressure from the family members, Friends, teachers and your society to follow a specific path designed, and if you follow that designed path then they will be happy but if you think to do something out of the box then most of them will not support you except few.Now it depends on you whether you want to give them a few moments of happiness or follow your dreams.
Choosing of a best career path should be a personal decision based on a through study of your ownself because no one will know you better than you yourself.

5)Do a detail reaseach on the thing which you want to become.

Success in your career

 For doing this you first need to take a career aptitude test.There are many such types of tests available onlinefor free which ask you a series of questions and gives your result accordingly.
These Tests help you analyse about your stengths , weaknesses, area of interest and helps you in narrowing down your  career choices.
Follow the link to take the career aptitude test:-www.princetonreview.com/quiz/career-quiz
 Now a field of work is far more than a job, it is an area where many jobs and options are availabe. Once you have an idea of  the field you want to work focus on that and learn more and more thing about that.And at last you will definitely succeed.

All the best for your bright future!

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