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Innovation Is the key to Success

Hello Reader,
This is a very special post as this is my very first post.Today we will be talking about the various strategy that every startup should follow in order to create a long lasting value in the market.
These strategy have been made by analysing those startups which are now a multi billion companies and are creating a great value in the market.
So without wasting much time let's dive into the topic.
The four things which I am going to share are very interesting and practical steps-:

1)Make small and incremental advancements

Most of the startups in current scenario fail because they think that by taking big steps and investing heavily the can capture the market.But in reality it is totally different,every startup in the beginning should take small and incremental steps/advances.So anyone who claims to be able to do something great is a suspect,and anyone who wants to change the world should be more humble.
So small incremental steps are the only safe path forward.

2)Stay lean and flexible to be successful

As we know that a small raceboat can move more faster and easily than a bulky ship.This same concept applies to the real world scenario also.Every startup/companies must be lean which mean unplanned,as we know that the future is not in our hand this mean we cannot predict what our company will do in the future.Instead of making a bulky business plan we should make small and achievable business plans.
At last You should not know what your business will do in the future instead you should focus on the present scenario,planning is arrogant and inflexible.Instead you should treat entrepreneurship as agnostic experimentation.

3)Improve on the competition rather than crating a new market

Now first know one thing before discussing in detail on this topic.
If someone tries to do the business of pager in the current world where smartphones and other smart gadgets are available that that will be a bullshit idea.
We should not try to create new market prematurely, instead you should work on the existing costumer base.
Every successful company which are valued in trillions today applied this same concept they made the existing market better by creating Monopoly..
So you should build your company by improving in recognizable products already offered by successful companies.

4)Focus on improving your product not the sales

This is the last and the most important point.Many of the failed startups focus only on sales and they do not work on their product.
One important thing is that if your product requires advertising or sales person to sell it then believe me it's not good enough.If you go through any of the successful companies the don't do advertising instead they focus on their product.
So first focus on creating value and then it will automatically generate profits.

Thank you for reading my very first post.Hope you enjoyed.
Stay tuned for more knowledge.
Please share it as much as possible😃

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